(image for) To Be Sure

Gypsy Deck


Gypsy Deck

Just imagine! A playing card deck that brings the past to life. These vintage-looking playing cards are inspired by the Anglo-American poker decks from the 18th and 19th century. With their extraordinary Tarot size (60 x 110 mm) you and your spectators really get the feeling of seeing something very special and rare. The cards seem to have seen many years pass by as they look old and worn. But in fact they are absolutely new and printed on the best playing card stock available (3-layer paper, linen structure, high flexibility, the same that you know from your favourite Bicycle deck). The backs are marked in a very subtle way so that - if you like - you can easily find out which card is selected. Only those in the know will notice the secret. All the above features make this deck perfect for magicians. Increase the possibilities with this deck by adding the cards of the extension set.

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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 21 September, 2010.

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