(image for) To Be Sure

Endlessly Elevated - Mark Strivings


Endlessly Elevated - Mark Strivings

An entirely in-the-hands Endless Chain. The outcome is completely under your control at all times. Easy to do!

Totally deceptive!

An endless loop of rugged chain is formed into two sets of loops and openly displayed over the performer' outstretched thumbs for complete inspection. A game of chance is proposed. If released one of those sets of loops will 'stick', wrapping twice around the performer' thumb while the other set of loops will come free with no alteration in handling of any sort. It's a 50-50 chance. Which loop will stick? Pick it and you win. Pick the loop that falls free and yo lose.

C'mon, it's a 50-50 shot. You can guess which loop is a winner...or can you?

This unique and completely commercial handling for the classic Endless Chain happens entirely in the hands and is under the performer's total control the entire time. NO working surface required at all! Only YOU decide who wins and who loses, and there's no way to tell which loop will be the winner. Arguably the most deceptive handling of the Endless Chain ever released.

It's a winner...pardon the pun!

Complete with booklet and professionally produced chain, perfect for the effect.

Pages: 20 - over 30 black and white photos. Saddle Stitched - 5.5" x 8.5"

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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 09 November, 2010.

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