(image for) To Be Sure

Magical Kiss - Paolo C


The Magical Kiss - Paolo C

The magician offers a female spectator a present she can keep…or return. Showing a well shuffled deck of cards the performer calls attention the backs of the cards which has a different gift boldly written. (money- jewelry- travel- trip to the opera- dinner- etc. The cards are mixed again and turned face up for the selection of any card- - the choice is freely made by the spectator. The card us turned face down and the magician is ready to give the lady the gift..it reads ..”a magical kiss”- If she does not wish to accept it, she can return it to the magician. It’s a win- win, either way. Works by itself. You need to do the marking on the backs so you can vary the gift choices any way you wish.

  • Model: sm-03

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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 07 February, 2012.

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