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Pom Pom Stick - Magic Glitter


Pom Pom Stick - Magic Glitter

This fabulous stage and stand-up effect is bright, colorful, and magical! There is some kind of confusing connection between the different color pom-poms; an interesting and enthralling relationship. Pull the green one down, and the red one rises. Pull the yellow one, and it appears connected to the red as well. When one goes up, the other goes down. What's inside the stick that makes this relationship possible? Nothing - the stick is taken apart to show there is no visible connection that explains the actions of the pom-poms! This self-working prop will amaze every audience both young and old! Sure to add plenty of laughs to your show. The stick itself has a dazzling, glittery look that gives it that extra "something." A high-quality prop made to last hundreds of performances.

The Glitter Pom Pom Stick is approximately 11 inches long.

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 18 February, 2011.

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