(image for) To Be Sure

Prophecy Pack - David Regal


Prophecy Pack - David Regal

This impossible routine has fooled some of the best minds in magic. It's a reputation maker.

A prediction is written on a piece of paper and handed to a spectator for safe keeping.

A deck of cards is shown front and back. The spectator shuffles and cuts the deck as often as he likes. The spectator cuts the deck into four piles. The spectator selects one of the piles. The spectator turns over the top card of his chosen pile. Amazingly the selected card matches your prediction. People have started religions with less!

Comes complete with a special Bicycle Poker deck of cards. Very easy to do. No sleight-of-hand. Can be learned in minutes.

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 11 March, 2011.

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