My Night With a Stripper
by Chris Brown and Blacks Magic
2 DVDs plus Stripper Deck
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MY NIGHT WITH A STRIPPER - is over three long hours of deck pounding excitement with the Biseaute or Wizard Deck for amateurs and pros alike; it is the ulitmate colleciton of tips, tricks, flourishes, controls, and other grat ideas you can use to present midn blowing and jaw dropping card magic to the masses, without having to focus on complicated sleight of hand.
While this DVD set isn't about a woman revealing herself (much to your disappointment we're sure), it does reveal expert secrets that the pros know about this often misunderstood and underestimated gaffed deck of cards.
- Card to box
- Flushed
- Color Separation
- Pocket Puzzler
- The Smart Smeller
- Gambler's Aces
- Cleanest Double
- Deck Camouflage
- Mixed up Miracle
- An Oddity
- The Stabbed Deck
- And Call it
- Snap Up Reveal
- Coin Incidence
- Odds and Evens
- A Weird Reversal
- Side Steal Color Change
- High Card Cut Cheat
And much, much, much (did we say much) more!
MY NIGHT WITH A STRIPPER is the last DVD and deck set you'll need to rock people's worlds with hard hitting card magic
This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 03 September, 2008.