(image for) To Be Sure

Quarter Through Soda Can - Criss Angel


Quarter Through Soda Can - Criss Angel

Criss Angel demonstrates and teaches you the secrets to performing “Quarter Thru Soda Can", as seen on national television! 

This effect can be performed anywhere, anytime, with no special props! 

Borrow a spectator's signed coin, ask for any can of beer or soda, then watch their reaction as their signed coin miraculously penetrates the sealed can! The spectator can even be the first to open the can! It's completely clean! 
Delve inside as Criss and creator Wayne Houchin demonstrate the play-by-play breakdown for you to perform the Quarter Thru Soda Can, plus bonus material, including an exclusive interview with Criss sharing his inner thoughts on magic, his career and TV series hosted by his close-friend/manager/magician Dave Baram. 

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 30 January, 2013.

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