(image for) To Be Sure

Changing Portrait - Aunt Harriet


Changing Portrait - Aunt Harriet

Okay, so this portrait isn't based on the supernatural, but it does fit into the realm of the bizarre and unusual. 
Therefore, we hope that you will enjoy our lovely "Aunt Harriet," Haunted Memories' resident Bearded Lady! 

These high-quality pieces are a truly unique form of art, yet still affordable for the average "home haunter." Use them to spice up a Halloween Party, a Haunted House maze, or your own year-round ghostly gallery! No batteries, electricity, or special lighting required! Just put the portrait in a frame and the ghostly entities will do all the work! 

Simple to use, yet extremely effective, these morphing images are designed to transform when you change your position. When your unsuspecting guests walk past them they will see these seemingly normal "relatives" change into hideously frightening creatures or macabre apparitions!

Dimensions Approximately 5" x 7" (12.75cm x 17.75cm)
Note: Frame not included

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 28 September, 2012.

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