The Complete Juggler - Dave Finnegan
The only instructional book on juggling which covers virtually every juggling prop. From beginning to advanced tricks. This tome of 574 pages: scarf juggling; basic three-ball juggling, three-ball variations (including bouncing), four balls, intro to five balls; ball passing; multiplex; three, four and five rings; club juggling (three to five); club passing with formations and patterns (up to eight clubs with two people), feeds, triangles, lines with up to seven people; cigar boxes; devil sticks; diabolo; hat manipulation; plate spinning; ball spinning (one, two balls, body rolls, mouthstick); balancing; novelty routines; juggling games; a section on teaching; performing, working professionally and more. The author, Dave Finnigan, has taught over a million individuals to juggle and has worked extensively in the school system.574 pp. Paper.
This product was added to our catalog on Monday 22 October, 2007.