Totally WAY Cool Balloons is 138 pages long, with 26 separate sculptures - some single balloon, most 2 or more balloons. The book is 8.5" x 11" in size. There is a 10" ruler printed on cover flap, it has a good spiral binding, and jokes, patter, and commentary.
Contents of this book
Definition of twists, A word about eyes, Astronaut and Alien, Carousel Unicorn, Baby Beenie's Christmas Tree, Da Sailor Duck, Dragon, EZ Easter Bunny, Eggstraordinary Bunny, Frog, Girl Power (mermaid and other girl figures), Jack O'Lantern, Light Sword, Little Chicken, Mama Bear and Baby Bear, Pig, Pick N Choose Pocket Monsters, Rudolph (EZ One Balloon), Rudolph - Rad Red Nosed Reindeer, Shamrock, Snowflake, Snowman, Swan Centerpiece, Totally Tantalizing Turkey, Wally Coyote, Wally's Ghost
WAY Awesome Blossom, & Clip Art